• Danny(Kent Moran 饰)住在一处小的可怜的公寓里,光棍一条,生性乐观的他在没什么希望的音乐路上苦苦挣扎。Danny对来自格林威治的富有但是有听力障碍的女孩Ariana (Alexia Rasmussen 饰)一见倾心。但是Ariana的母亲Victoria(斯碧尔·谢波德 饰)却有着很强的占有欲,她强烈反对他们的爱情。Ariana身处在这样的矛盾之中。尽管事情越变越糟,但是没有什么可以将他们分开。他们必须相信自己的爱情,同心协力来发现如何“倾听你心”。
  • A sinister, neurotic white girl Lula, with the provocation of her lovely, half-naked body and of her startlingly lascivious speech, lures to his doom a good-looking young black man Clay, a stranger whom she has picked up in the subway and whom she mocks for wearing the clothes and employing the voice and manners of the conventional white intellectual. The man, who, at first seeing no reason to resist the girl's advances, perceives too late that he is being used by her, drops his "white" disguise, and launches a wild and bitter counterattack on her and on the entire white race. Written by alfiehitchie